Information For Parents
We understand this may be the first time your child will be away from home for an extended period of time. Because of this, we understand, you may have many doubts and concerns about what we do at the camp. Let us take a minute to explain what the program is about and what you and your child can expect.
The camp staff is available to assist your family. Your child’s Case Manager is the person who is responsible for your child’s coordination of treatment. The Case Manager is the staff with whom you will have the most contact. We also have Youth Service Counseling staff who will help your child with day to day activities, assignments, and advancement preparation. The Case Manager and Youth Counselors have a real concern for the welfare of your child but under no circumstances will they accept inappropriate behavior. Their job is to teach your child to become a more responsible person. They will expect your child to act responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Youth Development System
The China Spring Youth Camp utilizes a system for tracking a resident’s progress throughout the program called the Youth Development System. It divides the China Spring Youth Camp Program into four stages. The stages are designed to provide structure, guidance, support and feedback concerning a resident’s behavior and progress in the program. It is designed to grant increased responsibilities and privileges, maintain motivation and increase self-esteem as the resident progresses through the program and toward his/her eventual return to the community.
Residents advance and earn privileges in the system by demonstrating what they have learned, that they are using social skills and problem solving techniques, and are making decisions expected at the stage they have attained. As such, the Youth Development System directed at achieving positive changes in residents’ attitudes, values, thinking processes, and behavior. In turn, staff expectations of residents increase as the resident advances in stages through the system.
Youth Development Stages (OATH)
- Orientation – Reluctant Beginner
- Adjustment – Enthusiastic Learner
- Transition – Cautious Performer
- Honors – Competent and Committed Performer

Directions To Our Facility
Once in Minden / Gardnerville: Drive South on 395, turn right at China Spring Road. Drive for 2.5 miles until you arrive in camp (the road ends in camp). Once in camp you will see the CSYC (male) dormitory on your right and APGF (female) dormitory is at the bottom of the road to your left.
From Topaz area: Drive North on 395, turn left on the China Spring Youth Camp Sign. Follow the above directions
Physical Address:
225 China Spring Road
Gardnerville, NV 89410
Mailing Address:
1640 US HWY 395 N #2605
Minden, NV 89423